Korea – Searun Dace
Fly Fishing in Korea Outlook
Where to fly fish in Korea in Early Spring?
Fly fishing in South Korea? The Pacific Redfin Dace Tribolodon brandtii might be the world’s only ocean going dace in the world. As a member of the carp (cyprinid) family, these fish are found throughout Far Eastern rivers including Korea, Japan, and parts of Russia’s Far East. Each spring these slender silvery dace arrive in schools of thousands of fish. While the fish are staging in the lower reaches rivers, they provide great sport for flyfishing in Korea. Swing streamers, dead drift nymphs, or gamble with dry flies. These fish will hit all of them out of aggression. From March through April, these fish are an excellent addition to an overland fly fishing adventure in Korea. Size ranges from 14 inches to 22 inches and sometimes greater. Tippet in the 2x – 3x class is a must. If you’re an angler living in S. Korea or plan of flyfishing in Korea this spring, targeting this overlooked and brutally strong sea minnow can be a ton of fun. If you like to know more about fly fishing in Korea or what to bring on your fly fishing trip to Korea, please get in touch for for more information about where, how, and when to fly fish in South Korea. [email protected]

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