Mongolia River Outfitters empowers local communities to take ownership – Photo Credits @ Mongolia River Outfitters
“ Each angler’s taimen permit fees go directly into local county budgets, making up critical budget short-falls required to support local schools and other community services. “
It Takes a Village
Fly Fishing Partners in Conservation
Words @ Mongolia River Outfitters / Far East Fly Fishing
The few people who live within the world’s last remaining taimen watersheds generally rely upon natural resource use and have relatively low-income levels. Safeguarding these taimen strongholds often requires assisting local communities to recognize the social and economic value of taimen conservation.
Mongolia River Outfitters (MRO) & Fish Mongolia (FM) prepare over 14,000 individual meals each year. Camp chefs purchase most meat from local providers. For almost 20 years, the founders at MRO and FM have supported scholarship programs, training and provided critically needed emergency funding. Every year, our friends in Mongolia sponsor river clean-up campaigns with guides, staff and community members.
Every angler headed to fish with the guides & crew purchases a $500 taimen permit fee (included in the total trip cost). License fees go directly into local county budgets, making up critical budget short-falls required to support local schools and other community services.
From 2023, Far East Fly Fishing pledges an additional $100 donation for every trip we sell with our gift split 50/50 to BioRegions in Bozeman, Montana & The Wild Salmon Center’s Taimen Conservation @wildsalmoncenter based in Portland, Oregon.
At a recent community event in Mongolia, over 150 school children received health screenings and treatments from two international angling doctors, a dentist, a dental technician, and several Mongolian counterparts. The world class taimen, trout, and pike fishing is attributed to working with great people at MRO and FM, passionate volunteers from around the world, and enthusiastic clients that return year after year to experience amazing fishing, the austere beauty of Mongolia’s wilderness, and warm hospitality and strength of the Mongolian people #flyfishing #5050onthewater #conservation #community #research #onthefly #payitforward #doctorswithoutborders #ecotourism #greatoutdoors #taimen #fluefiske #travelmongolia #wilderness culture #lifeonair

©Earl Harper
For more information about ongoing conservation projects in Mongolia or how to donate – Message us and we’ll provide the specific links on your request
Wild Salmon Center
BioRegions International
Photo Credits @ Mongolia River Outfitters and Earl Harper
Get in touch with us for more information about fly fishing and conservation projects around Asia
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Matthew’s photos & articles have appeared in The FlyFish Journal, Waterlog Magazine UK – Medlar Press, Asia Sentinel & The Korea Herald. For media & general inquires – send your message here.